Sunday, July 31, 2011

Bleach pen t-shirts

Hob Lob had their t-shirts marked 50% off of their already cheap price of $3.99 so I bought the boys several to make some custom shirts. I had seen some bleach pen tees on and thought it would be fun to try them.

We were not disappointed!

Kyle made this awesome shirt and four more over the weekend! The boys really had fun with this project and now I have a little keepsake of their artwork.

To make your own, just place a piece of waxed paper inside the shirt to keep the pen from bleeding through. Have the kids draw on the front of the shirt with chalk then trace over the chalk lines with a Clorox bleach pen. When the lines turn the desired color, wash out in the sink and toss in the washing machine.

Now my house smells all bleachy and sanitized...
too bad it's not from actual cleaning!

1 comment:

  1. This is the first time I have seen this idea. I'll have to pass it along to the grandkids! Sarah
