Friday, May 19, 2017

This week in the garden 5.19.17

The garden is just getting started!
It always seems like I get such a late start planting, 
maybe it's because I've been caught by several late season freezes and had to start all over from scratch.  
But I think we are done with the cool weather for now 
and I am SO ready to get some dirt under my nails!

 I moved my garden back a bit on our property because my raised beds were riddled with weeds.  So I got a fresh start this year with all new soil and two new boxes (the other ones were rotted away).  These boxes are planted to the max with green beans, all sorts of peppers, spaghetti squash, okra, zucchini, and yellow squash.  
The newer boxes contain garlic and a medicinal herb garden as well as some luffa and bird house gourd vines....
I call them my "Hobby Boxes".

This is a little garden on the side of the yard.  
As you can see, the boards on one need to be replaced
(a good project for one of the boys this weekend!).  
They hold tomatillos, tomatoes, cucumbers, and a whole slew of sunflowers.  I had given Mary Grace several packets of sunflower seeds to plant around the yard....they all ended up in MY garden!
It's ok, they're one of my favorite flowers and they attract lots of bees and ladybugs.

Speaking of Miss Mary, she loves spending time in the garden!
She loves nothing better than to pick ripe tomatoes and cucumbers.  Our morning ritual is to check our plants, water, and have a morning chat while watching the hummingbirds at the feeders.
I wouldn't trade this time for anything else in the world,
I know all too soon that it won't be "cool" 
to hang out with mom so much
(or she'll discover the joys of sleeping late!)

With the garden getting underway, I had just enough of a harvest this week for a batch of "green sauce" 
and two quarts of garlic dill pickles.

So much goodness lies in the garden!

My motto this summer is:
MORE gardening,
LESS drama!

I'll meet you back here next week with another 
#CreamerGarden update!
Check out my the hashtag on Instagram

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