Saturday, June 3, 2017

The Creamer Garden ~ 6.3.17 (a.k.a The Tomato Edition)

The garden is lush, green, and growing like crazy 
due to all the rain we've been having!

The one thing I've been having to keep my eye on are the tomatoes.  Too much rain can be bad for them.

Too much water can cause these guys to split.
You can see the rings around the top 
of my Cherokee Purple tomatoes where they've busted a bit from all the rain.  It doesn't affect the taste, just makes them a little less "pretty."

The kids wait all spring and into the summer 
for batches of my home made salsa.
Me, I like them sliced with cucumbers, salt, and vinegar.

The birds and squirrels like them straight from the vine, 
so I've been picking them while they're still a bit green. 
Our new puppy seems to like them as well.  I find him in the garden beds a little more often than I like. 
We also have lots of rain in the forecast so I'm hoping between all of the critters and pups that I can get a harvest soon.
The boys have their tortilla chips ready and waiting!

Passing along my recipes for summer tomatoes:
My garden fresh SALSA recipe
My garden fresh TOMATO SAUCE recipe


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