Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Mommy's Time Out

Being the mother of five is EXHAUSTING!
Even with having two adult children out of the house,
 I still find myself overwhelmed with daily life.  Between working as a nurse, managing the household, homeschooling, and all the kid's activities, I find myself at the end of the day with headaches and anxiety about being able to do it all...and do it all well.

I long for a TIME OUT!

A couple of weeks ago my husband gave me this book.  It's a "do it yourself retreat" in preparation for Marian Consecration.  I initially rolled my eyes and thought to myself, I simply DO NOT have time for homework!  Just one more thing on my "To Do" list, and I actually felt crippled by the additional commitment it would take.

I should have known better.

I started my "retreat" a day late, of course.
I usually get up early, before the kids so I can get my chores done. 
But this day I made a cup of coffee, headed out to the garden, 
took a deep breath and began reading.  
I was immediately surprised at the ease of this book.  
Each day takes less than five minutes to complete and comes with a beautiful prayer to the Holy Spirit.

It felt REALLY good.
And I found myself recalling what I had read 
to give me strength through the day...
maybe it was the Holy Spirit just whispering in my ear.

I guess I thought devotional time had to be some monumental, mystical experience requiring great theological thought and contemplation. 

It's doesn't.

I think it just requires you to set aside a little time each day to read the Word of God...then to listen.

My days are still hectic and I still have anxiety about being able to do it all.  But I have learned that if I give the first part of my day to God...before I check emails, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram,
He never fails to breathe a certain peace into my heart and home.

Mommies, feel free to put yourself in a
every once in a while!

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