Monday, October 15, 2018

The Fall #CreamerGarden

Fall, it truly is the best time of the year!
October is when I clean out the summer garden beds 
and begin new seedlings suited for colder weather. 

THIS is what I got when I "cleaned out" the beds:

Considering that most of our days in October have temps in the 90's, I'm not really surprised the peppers and eggplants have held on this long!

And what the remnant plants haven't taken over, 
the weeds have!

Above is an overgrowth of blue hyssop.
I planted it last year and it has beautifully self seeded into TWO of my beds.  I'll let it hang around a little while longer because the bees love it, and it makes a wonderful tea from the dried leaves that help with chest and cold congestion.

The asparagus bed looks "weedy" as well, but it's actually left that way on purpose and allowed to grow until it naturally dies back in the winter.  Those fern-like shoots are feeding the roots.  We still have another year and a half before we'll be able to harvest them.  To the left of the asparagus is turmeric.  It will get harvested this winter and be used in our cold/flu "FIRE CIDER."

And the last ones to hang on are the luffa.
They just keep growing and putting out more fruits!  I keep letting them grow for more luffa to put into homemade soaps and gifts this Christmas.  Plus they have the most beautiful yellow flowers!

The rest of the garden boxes look like this.
Small green plants peeking out from under leaf mulch.
Above is a mustard green plant, and scattered in nearby boxes are:

Bok Choi
Salad Mix

I'm waiting for it to get a little cooler to plant broccoli, brussell sprouts, and cauliflower.
Otherwise, they just go to bolt in this warmer weather.

So please, hurry up Fall!
This girl is ready for leggings, boots,
and pumpkin spice EVERYTHING!

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