Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Everything Changes in Two Weeks.

A while back I posted that I injured my Posterior Tibialis Tendon.
I wore a boot for six weeks, took lots of anti-inflammatory meds, and at the end of the six weeks I was feeling so much better.

That was short lived.

Two weeks to be exact.

I found myself back in pain and needing the boot more and more.  After the new year, I broke down and went back to the doctor.  After an MRI found chronic plantar faciitis, a bone spur, a torn tendon, and total collapse of my foot arch, 
I've finally agreed to surgery.

And it all goes down in TWO WEEKS!

I'm nervous but mostly just ready to move towards healing.  
I'm tired of being in pain with every step I take.  
I know the road to recovery will be very painful, but it's a move towards getting better and I have the loving support of my family to carry me through this.

I'll probably document my journey here as I'll be "non weight bearing" for 8-12 weeks.  That's a LOT of downtime and I will be in desperate need to channel my energies somewhere!

Until then I covet your prayers...

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