Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Garden Therapy

To be honest, I had absolutely NO intention of having a summer garden this year.
I thought maybe I'd start some herbs or flowers from seed, but that would be it.  The surgery and subsequent recovery had been tough and I felt that I had to devote all my energies to healing instead of planting.

But then I realized, planting IS healing for me!

So in February I started some seeds.
I wasn't really sure that I could give them the care they needed.
Some died, but most lived
And as they grew, I found myself dreaming about putting them out in the garden...
But I wasn't exactly sure how I was going to do that with mobility issues.
But I shared my vision with my boys and before I knew it, 
I had this beautiful tomato patch with an arched trellis for beans.

My dreams were becoming reality!

And then every morning and evening 
I was hobbling out to the garden in my walker.
Weeding, planting, even just sitting there soaking up 
the glorious sunshine!

It was becoming my therapy.

Something to look forward to every day.  
I truly think I was becoming depressed just sitting in the recliner all day watching TV day after day.
  The garden was making me move, think, and most importantly WALK!

It's still a challenge for me to move about the beds.  
The uneven ground seems to be my biggest enemy with my new bionic foot!  But I've learned to slow down, take my time and enjoy the process which is something I never really did before.

So for a garden that shouldn't have been this season, 
it has turned into my biggest garden to date! 
 I am so thankful for this little piece of earth 
and the healing it has given me!

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