Friday, December 20, 2019

The Hardest Working Elf in Texas

There is one in every family.
The Keeper of the Traditions.
My second son, Kyle, is just that person.
He always makes sure that the same foods 
and treats are made each year.
He makes sure the trees and decorations are just right.
And he always makes sure that faith and family are the main focus of the season!

He's not one to delegate all these things to me, he tends to take things into his own hands this time of year!
Every year, since the time he could climb up on the roof, Kyle takes on the house lighting for Christmas.  He chooses a day, usually right before Thanksgiving, and always a day that I work.  
He single handedly strings all the lights for the house 
(even though he has four brothers to help!) so that when I come home that evening, I drive up to our modest little country home glowing for the holidays!

It NEVER fails to warm my heart and makes me smile 
from ear to ear.

Back in his teenage days, he decided to make 
a wooden nativity scene for the yard.
He spent an entire day sawing, sanding, and painting.
It lasted many, many Christmases in our yard until this year when he just decided one day to make a new one!

Y'all didn't know that there was a black Lab 
at the first Christmas, did 'ya?

 And because this young man truly knows, 
The Reason for the Season, one year he made our family it's own hand made nativity. The picture doesn't do it justice!
Each board was lovingly cut, sanded, stained and placed just so.
Underneath the moss on the roof, 
are dozens of slats glued perfectly.
He even foraged sticks from our yard for "logs", 
and searched for the perfect scale statuary for the manger.

It's so dear to me and so beautiful 
that it stays displayed all year long!

It's so easy for me to get caught up with all the "to-do's" of the Christmas season, that's why I'm so thankful for a son like Kyle!  He keeps me focused on the real meaning of why we celebrate, if not by his words, by the beautiful signs of love he has scattered throughout our home this time of year.

An ornament Kyle made as a little boy.

Keeper of the traditions.
Keeper of the Faith
Hardest working Elf in Texas.

I sure do love that boy!

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