Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Garden Therapy

Even though I’m planning for the mother of all foot surgeries in February or March, I can’t stop thinking about planting my summer garden. I should be focusing on getting my house in order, filling the freezer with healthy meals, and working extra to build up a nest egg for my four month recovery. Instead, I’m browsing through seed catalogs and filling my counters and kitchen island with seedlings and starts. 

I usually don’t start seeds for my peppers and tomatoes until Valentines Day, but if I wait that long this year, I won’t be able to get the plants in the ground before my surgery. And truthfully, that first month of recovery is a really painful, drug induced haze. There will be no thoughts of gardening during that time!  I need plants to already be in the ground and the garden on autopilot. 

But after that first 4-6 weeks, the pain subsides and I know I’ll be ready to be more mobile...and definitely ready to be outside!

With my last surgery, the garden was so important in my recovery.  It made me move. It helped me out of my depressive funk. It really gave me something to get up for each day. It was my therapy. So maybe all this garden prep IS productive in planning for surgery...fresh food for healing of the body,  meaningful work for healing of the mind, and hands in the earth for healing of the soul.

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