Monday, April 20, 2020

One Week from Today...

One week from today I'm having my triple arthrodesis revision surgery.  I can't believe I'm actually typing that sentence!  My surgery was supposed to happen April 2nd, but got postponed due to the cancellation of elective surgeries due to COVID-19.  I have to admit that I was completely gutted then.  I had been waiting well over a year and it was so close to happening when all of this occurred. But now, with elective surgeries beginning again by the 22nd, there is little chance I'll be cancelled again. 

Am I ready?  
I know exactly what is ahead for me. 
 The recovery is so painful.
Literally, every bone in my foot will be broken 
and reset with screws and pins.
Right now, I'm planning on sleeping the first month away 
in a narcotic induced haze.
Seriously, I'm not kidding.

I know it will get better, and at this point ANYTHING 
is better than what I'm living with now.  
I'm really focusing on be able to walk again normally, 
tending to my household and garden, 
and eventually going back to work full force and with less pain.

Please pray for me and my family,
it's going to be a rough four months!

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