Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Five Things

I’m in a cast and can’t do much right now, but life isn’t all bad. 
Here are five things that I’m loving right now. 

1.  Day trips to the beach.

We live about 40 minutes from Matagorda beach so it’s super easy to pack a bag and take off for the day. There is no better therapy than to sit with your toes in the sand, close your eyes, and listen to the waves crashing.  It restores my soul. 

My husband is resurrecting his photography business.  
It allows him to be creative, make extra money for our family, and we’ve met so many wonderful people through this venture. 
If you’re in need of a photographer, give him a call,

3.  Lunch dates with my husband.

At least once a week we have to leave our small town and travel to Houston for doctor appointments, shopping, or any host of errands.  We’ve decided to turn those days into dates, no kids allowed!  
Now while my dream date doesn’t include walking the aisles of Costco or Tractor Supply, we can at least do it hand in hand.  We have lunch, talk, or just be quiet and enjoy each other’s company.

4.  Tea

If you follow me on Facebook or IG, you know I’m a sucker for iced tea (Buc-ee’s iced tea in particular!). But I’m branching out, y’all!  
I am currently LOVING fresh teas from my garden and exotic dried teas.  Whatever mood I’m in, I have a tea that suits me!

5.  The Fall garden.

My summer vegetable garden is spent so now it’s time to get ready for fall planting. Seed starting begins in August for October planting. I should be out of this cast and walking well by then and I’m so ready to get my hands back in the dirt.  I’ve ordered sturdy new seed starting trays (from Bootstrap Farmer) and lots of new varieties of seeds. I’m really loving sketching out my garden plans for the fall, so many possibilities!

In this crazy time that we are living in, 
it’s important to find things that make you happy. 
Be it food and drink, people, things or places...
what are you loving right now?

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