Monday, August 17, 2020

Ten Weeks Post-Op

I had my 10 week post op check on Friday and things are going GREAT!  I got my cast removed, x-rays taken, and I was deemed well enough to begin life in a boot with partial weight bearing.

In typical "me" fashion, I was sure that as soon as that *$#@ cast came off that I'd be able to walk in a boot without any aides.  

I was wrong.

My leg muscles are extremely weak, my foot is still half numb and just imagine with every step you take you have the WORST case of pins-and-needles known to man.  
Trust me, it's not as fun as it sounds!

Don't let him fool you, he's just after my coffee!

So I hobble with crutches and sometimes my walker.  
I do my exercises and foot massage religiously.  
I will see the doc in three weeks and begin Physical Therapy.
I'm ready.
I have a lot to do!
Thank you for your prayers and company during this journey.

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