Friday, September 25, 2020

Progress, and I'm Not Talking About My Foot!

Last year in November when I first saw my surgeon, he told me he would not take me to the OR in the condition I was in.  He challenged me to get healthy before performing my surgery.  
Let me tell you, pain is a great motivator!  
I desperately needed to have my foot corrected, so I began to alter my eating habits.  Exercise was out of the question since it was so painful just to even walk.  But with eating a ketogenic diet, I found I didn't have to do strenuous exercises at all to lose weight.

The picture on the right was me in December 
when I began this journey.  
The picture in the middle is me in May, 
down 50 pounds in five months!  
And the picture to the left is me TODAY.  
(I went shopping for scrubs since none of my old ones fit anymore!)

I still have about 20 more pounds that I'd like to lose, and now that I am able to be more active, I have no doubt I'll be at my target weight by December (maybe before!).  And it's all thanks to the surgeon who cared for his patient as a whole person...not just her messed up foot!

If you'd like to know more about the ketogenic diet, check out the links below:

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