Monday, November 2, 2020

October Has Been Busy!

What a whirlwind of a month October has been!  
Let's see where to start...
October 5th I went back to work.  Imagine going from laying around in your pajamas in a big comfy recliner all day, to being on your feet for eight hours!  It was quite a shock to my new bionic foot!  But on the days I worked, I also went to Physical Therapy afterwards, they massaged out the tension and helped me get stronger.

We celebrated Mary Grace and John Paul's birthdays this month.   We took a sweet day trip to Galveston for Mary Grace and sent John Paul off to party with his friends in Houston at one of the big haunted houses.  My babies aren't babies anymore.  No longer are the days they are content at home with LEGOS and helping me decorate their cakes.  Their interests lie away from home and their "toys" have gotten more expensive!

Mary Grace is angry she had to take a picture with the boys.

Doug and I celebrated our 27th wedding anniversary on the 23rd.  We went back to Galveston for a long weekend ALONE.  It was wonderful, relaxing, and just the break we needed.

We did the early voting thing.
We did doctor visits.
Lots of physical therapy.
Doug has been working more since 
I don't need him as much at home.
Ryan took a trip to Boston.
Kyle's baseball team won his division.
And just the business of everyday life.

I'd like to get all the Christmas decorations out and settle into this final season of the year.  I want to enjoy every second of the coziness and sparkle....

But it appears I have a gigantic mess to clean up first.
Just par for the course of this busy month, I guess!

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