Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Where Has The Time Gone?

I have intended to sit down at this space well over a dozen time over the last few months but could never actually muster the strength to unclutter my mind and share all that's been going on.  Truth is, I cherish my down time, and I'm very selfish with it!

  But to catch you up to speed on the family life....

Our #3 kiddo, John Paul, moved to College Station back in August.  He has the cutest apartment, tons of friends, and most important - TWO JOBS!  Also, he's living his best life as a hippie artist in his down time.  I miss him terribly and his move away was a sucker punch to the gut for me.

And then there's baseball.
Well, at our house there's ALWAYS baseball!
Between practices and games it seems I'm always in the car going.  It's fun though and this is a pretty awesome group of young men.  I've enjoyed watching them grow up on the field over the years.  And speaking of growing up, that's my favorite catcher on the left!

And around here, baseball doesn't end 
with high school.
Kyle has been playing in an adult league for three years now.  His team won league champs last year and are in the play offs this year.  
I don't get to watch him nearly enough...

Doug and I have taken several weekend trips.
It's so nice to get away with just the two of us even though we just have two kids at home now.  
We never had time or money when all five kids were we're making up for lost time!

We've even been known just to jump in the car and drive to the beach for a lunch date!

We've celebrated birthdays.
We've lain precious family members to eternal rest.
We've had lots of ups and downs over the past few months.

I'm so grateful for all these knuckle heads 
gathered around my table and I'm excited for the holiday season to start. 
 May Our Lord shower you with His blessings...

I'm SO THANKFUL for all of mine!

Happy Thanksgiving 
from the Creamers!

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