Tuesday, November 15, 2022

This Is How It Ends...

Being a nurse in the age of Covid has been rough.
Being an UN-vaccinated nurse employed at 
Houston Methodist has been much rougher.

It all started back in 2021 when the Covid "vaccines" came out.  At first, it was voluntary to take it.  Employees were coerced with a $500 bonus to take the jab, and who couldn't use an extra 
$500 bucks, right?  
Then they made it mandatory for all employees, 
get the shot or get fired.
So, I submitted a religious exemption stating my beliefs as a Catholic Christian.  They accepted my letter with the caveat that I would undergo weekly testing, and I complied.

I was a loyal and faithful employee.  
I did my job and got along well with my other co-workers, never got in trouble, was never late, and I did everything they asked me to do...until last month.
Last month they introduced the NOVAVAX vaccine and stated that my original religious exemption was null and void because this new vaccine did not contain fetal cell lines.  So I wrote another religious exemption.  It was denied.  I wrote a rebuttal further explaining my stance because clearly they didn't understand the religious doctrines from my faith.  Also, it turns out that Novavax DOES contain fetal cell lines in it's research and development, a statement they do not deny on their website!  
Even with this new information, the "committee" stated 
there was no appeal process and their decision was final.  

So if I don't take this new "vaccine" by November 3, 2022, 
I will be fired.


I'm not taking that damn shot!  


So this is how it ends, friends.
31 years of perinatal nursing is gone with this ridiculous mandate.  
If our patients can have medical autonomy, then why can't staff?
Nurses are already leaving the bedside in droves, you want to fire those willing to stay?
Even the CDC states you cannot prevent transmission by being vaccinated:  READ HERE.

The vaccine only mitigates your symptoms, so you can have covid and only think you have allergies or a mild cold.  If this is the case and you are a nurse taking care of people, then you could easily spread covid to your patients and any staff you are in contact with.
But as an unvaccinated nurse, let me tell you, when I had covid I KNEW IT!  I was sick, I isolated, I recovered, and NO ONE in my household got it!  Not even my husband who slept right next to me!

So there you have it.  You don't have to agree with my decision but I feel like I must take a stand.  I must be able to "put my money where my mouth is" regarding my belief in medical autonomy and give an example to my children on standing up for our beliefs.  
I am so thankful that my husband supports me in this, he is my rock.

I am going to take a bit of time off, try to regain my mental health, then find a job that allows me to be creative...maybe work in a bakery or plant nursery.  
Who knows where the Lord will lead me, He hasn't failed me yet!

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