Friday, July 20, 2007

I'm a dumpster diver!

Never thought I would hear myself utter those words!
The other day, on my way to work, I passed a house that was having a garage sale. I saw they had tons of furniture and stuff...but just kept on driving. When I was coming home that evening, they had everything they didn't sell by the side of the road for trash pickup.
This is what I scored:
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It's an old sewing cabinet! It's still in really good condition, just needs a sanding and new coat of paint! I'm thinking I will do an antique "crackle" finish on it and put it in the foyer.

I also scored a chair! Here it is after I re-covered the seat cushion:
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I have to say that "dumpster diving" is potentially addicting!
Of course, the kids are mortified that their mother is doing this!