Monday, October 8, 2007

Solar oven

Today the boys made a solar oven from a pizza box (instructions to build your own: It was a lot of fun, and pretty impresive! The internal temperature got up to 160 degrees before the sky became overcast. Unfortunately, our oven wasn't a success. After 2 hours the biscuts hadn't baked much at all and a sudden gust of wind blew our ovens off the picnic table. Still, it was a fun science lesson for the kids!
Ryan and Kyle constructing their ovens:
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Doug helping Kyle to get the sun's reflection at the proper angle:
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Biscuts baking in the sun!
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While the boys were busily gathering time and temperature data, I took the opportunity to sew some more. I found a great vintage fabric and made another wrap dress:
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  1. the dress looks great. I naght try the solar oven with our children this summer. Our summer temps are pretty hot

  2. I love those dressed you make! You are so talented and creative.

  3. That dress is so pretty! Man, you are quite the homemaker. I love all the pictures.
