Saturday, December 22, 2007

I think I'm turning Japanese....I really think so....

We went on a recent trip to Houston's Chinatown and had a great time! Lots of shopping, lots of get the idea! The best part of all was shopping in an Asian supermarket. The kids couldn't believe that people actually eat dried squid, fish flakes and sea weed! John Paul was amazed at the dozens of tanks of live fish, he didn't see, however, that they would take a live fish out and filet it for sashimi right there in front of you! Definately a great day trip!
Here's some of our booty:
The next day we had fun filling our bento boxes. The boys were amazingly dexterous with chopsticks and now insist on eating EVERYTHING with them!

1 comment:

  1. What a nice lunch you gave your family! I wish it was warm enough here to eat outside, but I think A. would turn on me if I did that to her, LOL!
