Saturday, March 15, 2008

It's planting time!

We had some EMT students on our unit last week, one of which was a farmer. We had just two patients so after I got them settled, I pulled out my gardening books. The student noticed and we started talking about gardening and the like. He told me that you MUST plant this Saturday, the 15th, because the "moon will be just right for planting." Well, who am I to argue (and actually I'll take ANY excuse to start planting right away!) so I did it! I got up bright and early, had my garden plan in hand, and set to work!
My black plastic covered rows have warmed the soil considerably. The soil is moist and crumbly and ready for seeds!

In a week and a half, each of these holes will have a little plant sprouting up. It never ceases to amaze me that putting a small seed an inch into the ground can give us food to eat! God is truly amazing and good!
...but I'll tell you what's not so good, my seed trays were sitting on the windowsill ledge when the boys were horsing around. My tomato and pepper tray got knocked off and ruined, I was literally sick! Thankfully, the local nursery had plenty of varieties in stock. So I'm cheating a bit this year and using store bought plants!

Also bought at the nursery were some of our favorite herbs. I planted a ton of cilantro, rosemary and sweet basil in my wooden barrel on the back porch:

So I've got everything planted, here's what we're growing this year:
Sweet corn - two varieties
Squash - two varieties
Cucumbers for pickles
Cucumbers - two varieties
Green Beans
Peppers - four varieties
Tomatoes - three varieties
Cantaloupe - two varieties
Watermelon - two varieties

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