Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Very busy day!

Lots to do today in the Creamer household! Doug started off bright and early by meeting a client and signing a wedding. I'm so proud of him! His business has really taken off - Thanks be to God! We had a quick lunch and the off to run several errands. We stopped by the local Catholic church to cast our vote in the primary election. Look who greeted us as we walked in to the polling location:

I had to say a prayer as I was filling in my ballot that God would continue to bless our country and give us good and holy leaders...
Ryan got a picture of me voting...and then got busted for bringing a camera into a voting place!

As soon as we got home, I had enough time to shovel some food into the kiddos as Kyle had his first baseball team practice tonight! He is so excited about this season, and he has really improved his game since last year. I can't wait to see him get out there and play! No pictures of him though, he was mortified that I brought a camera and threatened to disown me if I even pointed the camera his way!
I can tell you that JP and Danny were less than thrilled to have to sit through a two hour practice! Here's John Paul eating (and spitting!) sunflower seeds, and little Danny playing ninja with a stick he found!

Doug made a mad dash to Sugarland to meet with another potential client. We are both wiped out...only to start the whole thing over again tomorrow!

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