Monday, April 7, 2008

Update on us

Thank you for all the cards, flowers, emails, meals, and most of all, prayers. I do not know how we could have survived the last four days without them. Please continue to pray as we begin healing from this ordeal.

Sunday night, our precious baby - Dominic Philip, was beheld by us. Perfectly formed, perfectly loved, and entrusted back to His Heavenly Father.

I had to have a D&C later that night due to excessive bleeding, but we definitely felt your prayers carry us through that difficult time and I was able to come home after an overnight stay in the hospital.

So we are home, we are healing, and life goes on...


  1. JoAnn, I've been checking here everyday to see how y'all are doing. You have been in my heart and in my prayers.

    I will continue prayers for Dominic and all of you.


  2. xontinued prayers here too JoAnn.
