Saturday, May 10, 2008

The Creamer Boys Win Big!

Yesterday we went to view the boy's projects and have a little fun at the fair. The boys did outstanding in placing with their projects! Ryan received 'Most Outstanding' (which is better than a blue ribbon!) for his apple pie. He also won 'Most Outstanding' for his rosemary herb bread and scored a second place to that with his white loaf!

Kyle won 'Most Outstanding' for his drawing AND for his photograph! He also won a blue ribbon for his other photo entry!

After the celebratory high fives and hugs, we collected their prize money and made our way to the fairgrounds. The kids had a great time riding the rides and playing games. We even saw a real cowboy show complete with trick shooting, whips, roping, horse tricks, knife throwing...the works! Danny and John Paul fed animals in the petting zoo, and we even got to hear a live band!
By the end of the day we were exhausted, sweaty, and reaked of cow manure, but a really fun time was had by all!


  1. What great achievements for your boys. Congratulations to them all.

    It sounds like you had a great family day together.


  2. Way to go, Creamer boys! Rosemary bread is my absolute favorite, and I am so impressed with Kyle's drawing. What talent and patience your boys have! The fair sounds like so much fun.
