Monday, August 11, 2008

Menu Plan Monday

ACK! I'm a day late trying to get my weekly meal plan together. I feel quite stressed this week for some reason. I guess it's because we started back to homeschooling and I'm still trying to feel out a schedule that allows us to get everything done AND keep the household in running order. Ryan is really testing limits with us lately...and it's very mentally draining for all of us. If you can spare a prayer (or three) we'd sure appreciate it! We are still enjoying our whole foods diet. I even got JP to eat spinach and tomatoes last week - alert the media!!! Here's what I have planned this week:
Monday: We had roasted rosemary and lemon chicken with brown rice.
Tuesday: Chicken vegetable soup with chicken meatballs. I made some homemade stock with the chicken carcass from Monday night's dinner!
Wednesday: Stuffed cabbage leaves in tomato sauce. I made a double batch of brown rice on Monday and will use that with some grass fed ground round to stuff our cabbage. The whole thing will go into the crock pot to simmer all day.
Thursday: Quesadillas with black beans. I'll make some homemade whole wheat tortillas for this one!
Friday: Fish tacos. We'll use the tortillas from Thursday with some grilled tilapia and fresh pico de gallo and guacamole.
Saturday: Mac & Cheese. Not exactly NT I know! Doug works so I thought I'd indulge the kiddos. I'll use whole wheat pasta, real milk and natural cheeses....and serve with a salad - and maybe a movie!
Sunday: We'll have to see what Doug feels like grilling! It's mama's day off!

Our breakfasts are consisting of oatmeal, whole grain pancakes, bagels, and toad-in-a-hole.
Lunches are leftovers and stuffed pitas.
Snacks are lots of fruits and carrots with dip, yogurt, hot air popped popcorn, almonds/peanuts/sunflower seeds, pita chips with homemade white bean dip.
We pretty much graze all day. What else do you expect with four boys?!?!?

1 comment:

  1. JoAnn - did I read right - Ryan is doing Civil Air Patrol - send me your email ! I hope my other post to you went thru tonight - I had to register etc.. this is my second post - miss ya'll - Lea Ann
