Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Nourishing Portable Foods

We are well into our second month of this whole foods venture and I thought I'd jump into the Nourishing Portable Foods Challange over at the Nourishing Gourmet.
The recipe I'm submitting is very simple and versatile. It is one of the best examples of food on the go that I can think of! They can be made savory or sweet, be eaten for breakfast, lunch or dinner, and a great way to use up leftovers out of the fridge. They are CALAZONES! Make a double batch of these and put some in the freezer for when you or the kids needs a quick, wholesome snack!

Here is the recipe for the dough:

1.5 tsp of yeast
1T. honey
1C. warm water
1.5 tsp of salt
3C. of flour ( I use half whole wheat and half unbleached all purpose)

Optional: For added flavor, mix in dried herbs, caramelized onions, or chopped olives into your dough.
For added nutrition, add 2T. of ground flax or 1/3 C. of wheat germ into the dough.


Mix all the ingredients together in a large bowl then turn out onto a well floured surface and knead for 8-10 minutes.

Make sure your sous chef doesn't sneak into the dough and play with it while you look for a large plastic bowl!

Place your dough into a well oiled bowl and put into your oven (with the light on!) for about an hour until the dough doubles in size.
Turn dough out and divide into six equal pieces. Roll dough pieces into rounds on a well floured surface then place 2-3 tablespoons of your filling inside:
(our filling consists of leftover veggies and black beans)

...and top with cheese!

Wet one edge of the dough with water and fold over. Crimp edges with a fork to seal.

Brush with milk or egg white and bake at 350 degrees for 25 minutes, or until golden brown.

It's portable, good, and good for you!

For more great portable nourishing foods, check out the Nourishing Gourmet!


  1. I've been making some hot pockets -- not too dissimilar to your calazones. They are very handy!

    I think I'd like to try your bread recipe though, as my current one rises too much. :)

  2. My pocket dough gets too thick as well, so I'm anxious to try this one. Just in time for Holy House lunches-- much needed, thank you!

  3. Thanks! I've been looking for some good ideas to use up left over veggies!
