Thursday, July 23, 2009

Clothesline love

I bought a little retractable clothesline last week. It's intended use was only to dry soggy pool towels and bathing suits, but I'm finding more and more wonderful things to hang from it!

They say that sunshine has anti-microbial properties.
And I tell 'ya, not even Bounce or Gain can bottle that smell.

My niece, Cassandra, also had clothesline lurve...
although hers entails brightly colored cloth diapers!

Who wouldn't love that pretty sight hanging in their backyard?
Cassandra won runner-up in the BumGenius summer photo contest with this awesome picture! You can see more of her and her husband's work at


  1. That quilt is absolutely GORGEOUS!

    We bought the pipe for DH to build me one back in May (our twirling umbrella-ey one broke an arm last year (a certain not-to-be-named-now-7-yr-old decided to pull a George of the Jungle off of the chicken tractor) I've been lineless...anyway, we still have the pipe, and no clothesline, since DH's welder isn't functioning well enough for welding that pipe thickness. So I'm still waiting...unfortunately.

    Soon, I keep telling

  2. What pretty, colorful photos! I love clotheslines. We have one, but I rarely use it. It needs to be restrung with new lines. It's the old-fashioned kind with two iron T-posts.
