Sunday, November 15, 2009

Please excuse JoAnn...

Please excuse JoAnn from blogging this week.
She burned her hand cooking this weekend and it makes typing very painful. She spent the weekend lying around and milking her injury for all it was worth. She is now back at work and not quite sure how she is going to manage once this "crispy fried tater-tot" begins to blister and peel.

Nasty, right?
See you all next week...


  1. Oh my word, JoAnn!!!!

    A)it makes me weak in the knees (thank goodness I am in my recliner already!), and B)HOW did you DO that?!?!

    Oh, honey, I'll be praying for a speedy recovery (and lots of pampering when you are home)...

    Get out the aloe...


  2. oh JoAnn,

    That makes my sniffles and runny nose seem pitiful. Many prayers for healing.

  3. So sorry you were burned, JoAnn! Burns really, really hurt. ((Hugs))

  4. Ouuuccchhhhhh! I'm so sorry that happened JoAnn! Hope you are feeling better soon.
