Friday, October 22, 2010

Meatless Fridays

Big changes happening here in the Creamer household!

I'm going back to work full time nights. I have a staff position in L&D and work starts bright and early Monday morning with hospital orientation. After a week of that then it's onto the unit to birth some babies!
I will be spending the remainder of this week and weekend planning, plotting, cooking, and cleaning trying to make the transition for my family easier. I'm not exactly thrilled about working night shift, but the extra pay differential is definitely an incentive! I'm hoping a day position will become available by the new year.

Now onto Meatless Friday...

I got nuthin!

We've been eating from our freezer stash of meals the last two weeks and looks like we'll finish it off with the last of the salmon chowder from two weeks ago. I'll make a hot loaf of homemade bread to go with it. It's a good thing we've cleaned out the freezer, now I have room to fill it up again with lunches and dinners for Doug and the boys. I'm off right now to put together a meal plan and shopping list.

Please say a prayer for us.
Working 12 hr. night shifts is going to be physically difficult for me and Doug is going to be a single parent 3-4 days out of the week. The kids are big enough and doing their own thing now that life won't change much for them....other than having a tired, grouchy mama all the time!

1 comment:

  1. oh I hope it all goes smoothly for you JoAnn. I will keep your family in my prayers.
