Thursday, February 3, 2011

Homemade handwarmers

Last year we had snow here in south Texas, 3 inches to be exact which is a LOT for us! The boys played and played in the stuff and their poor little hands were red and raw from the cold. This year we are expecting another snowfall and I'm prepared! I made my boys handmade hand warmers!

Same premise as the rice bag warmers I've made before. Take a small square of scrap fabric (like 5X7 or 4X6), fold in half and sew up two of the seams. Fill the bag you just made with rice - about 1/2 full, then turn in the opening and stitch closed. We microwave them for one minute and the heat lasts a good 20 minutes!

These feel SO GOOD when your hands are cold!
And I'm hoping that it will make their play day in the snow a little more enjoyable.
Well, that and gallons and gallons of hot chocolate!

I may have to steal a pair from them and shove them into MY pockets for my long commutes to work this weekend!

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