Saturday, March 19, 2011

Yard of the Month

This is what happens when you have a crack in a septic pipe:

Apparently, you can't just fix the pipe.

The whole #@%**+%#^ yard needs to be ripped apart,
including tearing down two pear and one (really big) fig tree.

The Powers That Be (i.e. Wharton County) state this is the way it has to be done.
Waste water has to be recycled these's the law...
even if you don't want it!

The only one that seems to be enjoying all of this digging is my little Dan.
The foreman calls him "The Boss".

Dan says, "I'm not the boss, my dad is!
And my mom is going to be really mad you tore up her grass!"

You tell 'em Dan!


  1. Funny. You just can't make this kind of stuff up.

  2. ouch! sorry this happened to you!

  3. Oh JoAnn,

    I know how painful plumbing problems can be. So sorry this happened to you.

  4. Did they make you hook into the city line? I know with our system in NC, that had to be done when we had septic problems, after they had run the city line through our area. Talk about expense! When we moved here, they had had to replace the old septic, and we ended up with an aerobic system...which isn't too bad, unless the pump goes bad...which ours did (they think it took a lightning strike!)...a ton of money (pumping has to be done before the pump can be replaced...and it took two trips to dump it)..UGH!!!

    So yeah, I kwym. I am so so sorry. I wish I could make it better, but at least this time, you know where *not* to put trees when you replant. :-) Stinks that you lost them, but think about it that can plan your shade very very well... :-)

  5. @ Rachel-We live in a tiny rural town so no city lines even remotely close out here. Five of our neighbors also had to have this done within the last few years, so we're not so alone! I'm actually kind of excited about replanting trees now that that whole side of the house is cleared, I'm just really going to miss that fig tree!

  6. I wasn't sure how tiny tiny your town was... :-) I understand about missing the fig tree...since I remembered your posts about all of your figs and what you did with them..did you end up getting just a replacement or a different sort of system?

  7. Had to replace the whole system because of one small cracked pipe! It's the law in our county now.

  8. Yowch. I know when they put our new system in, it was ridiculous (and I was *SO* glad that it was done by the previous owners!)...

  9. What does it mean that waste water has to be recycled? Do you mean you used to let some of the wash water run on the ground and now can't or does it mean something else? We are on septic and this thought is new to me. We are looking at repairs in not to distant future too. :( Sarah
