Friday, April 8, 2011

Meatless Fridays

If you are on a carb controlled diet like me, you'll take any substitute for bread that you can! I'm growing lots of eggplant again this year and was looking for new ways to use it when I came across this simple idea. The recipe can be adapted a hundred different ways to suit your family's taste and is a great way to get your kids to try something new!
This week's Meatless Friday meal is:

Eggplant Pizza

2 large eggplant
Your favorite marinara or pesto.
Your choice of toppings:
a variety of cheeses, grilled onions, tomato, mushrooms, olives, and herbs.

Slice eggplant into 1/2 inch rounds and either lightly roast, grill, or fry to cook through. Slather eggplant with your favorite sauce and top with cheese and veggies. Place finished pizzas under a broiler (or grill) to melt cheese and serve with a fresh salad.
Leftovers are great on sandwiches the next day!

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