Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Potato Update!

A few months ago we experimented with growing potatoes in tires,
you can read all about it HERE.
We are now up to three tires tall and the plants seem to be thriving.

Below is my little potato patch of red, white, and blue potatoes!

I'm hoping there are LOTS of potatoes in there! We're almost ready for tire #4 and I think I'll stop there. Once the plants flower and then totally die back, we'll begin to harvest. We'll just knock off one tire at a time and harvest as many potatoes as we need. The rest will keep just fine over the winter stored in the tires (granted we don't have a wet winter!).

Here's also a look at the horseradish root we planted at the same time as the potatoes. I'm glad I kept this one in a pot as I can easily see it becoming invasive and taking over the garden!
I usually will pull off a leaf now and then just to smell that pungent fragrance! I didn't think I would like it, but I really do!

I can't wait to slap steaks on the grill and serve them with a homemade horseradish sauce and red, white, and blue potato salad!


  1. I am chuckling right now. Growing up my dad would plant rows and rows of potatoes. And complain, and complain and complain....
    There was always a pile of old tires around the farm too. You make everything seem so easy. :)

  2. I've been wanting to try potatoes. I may try them for my late season garden - I look forward to seeing how yours come out!

  3. I have been wanting to plant potatoes for a couple of years now. This is the first year I'm actually going to try it, I just started today in an old tree bucket. At this point I don't even really *care* if I get potatoes, I just want to get started!
