Monday, June 6, 2011

A surprise in the garden

Last October the boys carved Halloween pumpkins on the side porch. As usual, I swept the dried mess (seeds and all!) into the little garden to the side of the porch. A few weeks ago I saw some kind of squash vine growing and thought it must have been a stray seed from one of the bird feeders.

Then I saw this:


I let the vines grow, watered them regularly, and now we have our very own pumpkin patch right on the side of the house!

There are literally dozens of these miniature pumpkins growing and now the vines are creeping out of the garden bed and around the side of the garage! We love watching them grow and I can't wait to harvest them at the end of summer to put in the house for fall decoration.

Or for another jack-o-lantern or twelve~


  1. love the pumpkins! they are cute when so tiny!

  2. I've got volunteer pumpkins, too. (but I think it's just a matter of time before the squash bugs and borers do their dirty deeds). Cute pics!

