Thursday, August 15, 2013

Saintly Sewing

I was looking for a quick sewing project to keep myself occupied on a recent trip to Dallas.  I came across some adorable saint patterns on Waltzing Matilda's blog.  Kyle re-worked the St.Clare pattern into a St.Faustina image and voila:

I was embroidering this sweet little saint in no time!

I pondered whether to sew the image into a pillow or quilt but finally decided Mary Grace would enjoy her more as a doll.  So I found a scrap of material and stitched a small quote from our beloved saint...

Mary Grace loved it right away!
I was so happy because you never know with toddlers.

I see many more of these sweet saints in her future, maybe in the form of a quilt next time.

St. Faustina, pray for us!

If you'd like to download one of her many patterns, 
check out Waltzing Matilda's blog HERE.

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