Monday, September 14, 2015

21 Days ~ The Before and After

I completed my  own copy cat version of the
and I'm here to give you all the low down, 
dirty deets about how I did.

First of all the before and after pics:

 I don't know if you can tell the difference, 

but I can definitely FEEL the difference!

I could absolutely kick myself for not taking measurements 
but I can tell that I am down several inches 
in my arms, thighs, and abdomen.  
I feel GREAT, have tons of energy, and am sleeping soundly though the night without the aid of melatonin...or wine!

I did my own cheat version of the 21 Day Fix (just scroll down a few posts to read about it!) and went to the gym every day M - F for at least an hour for cardio and weights.  I'm not going to actually divulge my weight, but I am down 9 lbs.
And I am very happy with that!

In these three weeks I have found that meal planning is the key.  Having pre planned, portioned meals/snacks on hand when I'm hungry or in a rush is the key to success.
I haven't been hungry on this plan either!
As a matter of fact, I find it difficult to get in all my veggie containers in a day.  I tend to plan my meals only two days in advance because I get bored eating the same thing over and over.  Some people make a whole week's worth of meals at a time, that's just not for me.

I love that I am eating whole foods and I know that that is the reason for feeling so good on the program.  One day while running errands, we had to stop for burgers.  I didn't feel guilty for cheating on the program, but my body felt sick for eating crap. 
 I haven't wanted it again since then 
and my sugar cravings have disappeared...
except for a piece of really good chocolate now and then!

My blood pressure has always been through the roof since having Mary Grace.  My diastolic, or bottom number
has always been over 100.  Always.
I have been getting dizzy this past week and couldn't figure out why, so I just randomly checked my BP.  
Check this out:

It's truly amazing that all of this happened in just three short weeks!
Today is officially the last of my 21 Days
but I'm starting another round tomorrow.
I will most likely keep repeating rounds of the 21 Day Fix until I reach my goal weight.
The program is simple, healthy, and perfect for a busy lifestyle.
I feel like I finally know how to eat healthy.

Plus, I gained a super cute gym partner to keep me motivated!

No make up, sweaty gym selfie!


  1. Yes, meal planning is DEFINITELY key!!! That's how I have had success on a low-carb diet. You look great, and yes, there is a big difference between the two pictures!! I can hardly believe it's only been 21 days! You are obviously dedicated and working hard. Congratulations!!!

  2. Yes, we can see the difference! You look great!

  3. Thank you! Blogging and Facebook are keeping me accountable. I'm really looking forward to my next round update!
