Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Weekend Getaway

This weekend, Doug and I did something we haven't done
 since our honeymoon.

We took a trip away for the weekend by ourselves!
This past weekend was Doug's birthday AND my high school reunion so we made a weekend getaway out of it and headed to 
Ft. Worth, without any children.

The FIRST time in 23 years of marriage!

We had dinner and strolled hand-in-hand down 
the streets of the Stockyards.

We ate at our favorite:  In-N-Out Burger.

We toured my Alma Matter.
(For more on that story, click HERE)

And we partied like rock stars at my reunion after party.
Well, maybe not exactly like rock stars...
probably more like middle aged parents of five 
who like to be in bed by 11pm.

But you get the drift!

It was awesome and I'm really looking forward 
to next year's high school reunion,

It will be my 30th!

Hard to believe, I KNOW!


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