Saturday, October 26, 2019

26 Years and Counting

I love the beach!
Like, REALLY love the beach!
But I haven't touched my toes to the sand in about three years because of my bum foot and subsequent surgery.
This year, Doug took me to a beautiful resort in Galveston that was right on the beach for our 26th year anniversary.

That ice cold water on my feet and sand between my toes never felt so good!

There's a saying that goes,
The cure for anything is SALT WATER ~
tears, sweat, or the sea.

And I believe this with all my heart...
and a little fried coconut shrimp and gumbo doesn't hurt either!

We ate seafood for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
We watched the sunrise over the Gulf, 
sipped coffee on the balcony, 
and took in the sunshine and salt air.

It was the cure all I needed.

I think I'll keep this guy around another 26 years!

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