Monday, January 4, 2021

Despite Everything, 2020 Was A Good Year!

For most people, 2020 was one huge dumpster fire!  
It was riddled with anxiety, seclusion, social upheaval, and for some, sickness.  And while I'm not trying to be dismissive of those things, for me, 2020 has been a pretty good year.

The first four months of the year were a bit scary.  I'm a nurse, and seeing the pandemic work it's way here was very unsettling.  But I work for the most awesome hospital system and they held our hand and were with us every step of the way.  I never felt abandoned or on my own - even when PPE was in short supply.  My employer took care of their staff and made sure we were safe

By May I was able to have the corrective surgery on my foot.  It was a struggle to get to my surgery date because of COVID, but it taught me to be humble and patient.  It was truly God's hand at work that I had the surgery when I did.  My recovery was long, but not painful. By October I was back at work full force and I have not slowed down yet!

The holidays were very special to me.  It was the first time in about 30 years that I've had my little family all to myself.  We had no commitments to travel anywhere else, and I relished having all my babies at home and making the seasons magical for them.

I'm also in the best health of my life!
I've never felt better and continue to improve my diet and now my fitness (thanks to my new foot!) daily.

2020 has also definitely taught me a few things like:

Finding happiness in simple things.
Difficult times reveal the truth about people.
Freedom should never be taken for granted.
I can do hard things.
Making self care a priority, not a priviledge.
And to be thankful for EVERYTHING!

Whatever 2021 brings, I'm going to hold on to the lessons I've learned and treasure each day for what it IS
not for what it should be.

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