Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Lactofermented Jalapeno Hot Sauce

I'm experiencing a first in the garden this season,  my peppers are producing earlier and faster than anything else in the garden.  I found myself with a huge basketful of jalapenos, so I decided to make a batch of lactofermented jalapeno hot sauce.

I chopped up all my jalapenos and added some milder peppers from the garden.  I not only want this stuff to be hot, I want it to be flavorful!  I also chopped some small, but sweet, onions and several cloves of garlic...also ALL from the garden!

Then you cover the vegetables with a brine:
4 cups purified or distilled water
3 tablespoons sea salt
The vegetables MUST be submerged 
below the brine!
You can use a ziplock weighted with water, 
a small glass, or an inverted lid.
I use these glass weights made specifically for fermentation because I do this all the time, 
and I'm super extra.

Label and date your ferment and place in a cool place.  Here in south Texas, these should be ready in a week, but it can take up to three weeks.  
These will develop a nice pickled taste over time, so start tasting after a week until you get the flavor you like.
When your peppers have fully fermented to your taste, pour out (but reserve) about half the liquid and pulse vegetables in a blender.  Add the reserved liquid until you get the consistency you desire. If you like a thinner sauce, you can strain before bottling. You can also adjust the seasonings at this time if you like by adding cumin, celery seed, cilantro, etc...

This hot sauce is not only good but it's good for you!  Lots of good probiotics teeming in this stuff.  Keep in the fridge for months and enjoy!

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