Monday, June 12, 2023

Beauty in the Ordinary

They say we, "eat with our eyes first."  
And while a basketful of homegrown green beans can be lovely, purple and yellow ones feed my soul 
as well as my body.

A basket of yellow heirloom tomatoes sitting on my kitchen counter may be boring to most people, but to me it is like a priceless sculpture.  
I'll stare at it a day or two before processing them because they're so lovely!

And even walking into my ordinary, unorganized, non-Pinterest pantry, I see the beauty of  the contents of these jars.  The seeds that I started in January are going to be feeding us all year long.

True contentment, for me, consists of finding beauty in the ordinary. To shift my thinking from a consumer mentality to one of being thankful for what I have right in front of me.

Our chaotic home, family dinners, hand picked bouquets, a hot cup of coffee in the morning...
and drinking it with my two dogs.

The ordinary is quite beautiful 
if we choose to see it that way.

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