Friday, June 30, 2023

Our Daily Bread

I've baked bread off and on for many years.  
My go-to method was always the "no knead method" that lets the dough ferment for 
12-18 hours.  
That's too dang long to wait for bread!
One day while scrolling on TikTok, I found the BEST process for a loaf of daily bread.  It is literally perfect, takes almost no effort, and I can have it in under four hours!
Credit to @brittkubicki
Basic Sandwich Loaf

In a bowl, combine:
3 cups all purpose flour
1 1/2 tsp. each of instant yeast, salt, and honey
1 1/2 cup of warm water
Mix ingredients.  Dough will be wet and sticky, if it's not, add a tablespoon or two more of water.

Allow to rise for two hours.
Dough should be doubled in volume 
and full of bubbles.
With two forks, pull dough away from sides of bowl and into the center. 
Go all the way around the bowl.

Drizzle a small amount of olive oil over the dough, dip your hands in that oil, and work the dough ball off the bottom of the bowl.  Pick the dough up and let the weight of it pull it into a rectangle.  Then roll the dough onto itself to form a loaf.

It doesn't have to be pretty!
Plop your loaf into a well buttered bread pan 
and allow to rise about an hour.

Your loaf should rise about 1-2 inches 
above the bread pan.
Heat oven to 375 degrees 
and bake for 45 minutes.

PLEASE, do not cut your bread 
right out of the oven!!!
Allow it to cool completely...
or almost completely.

This is the perfect sandwich bread or 
daily loaf to serve with meals.

Now will somebody please pass the 
butter and honey?

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