Wednesday, January 3, 2024

The Goodness of Bread

One day, I took my daughter to the library and while she was browsing, I did some browsing of my own.  I went to the cookbook section and found a treasure trove of bread baking books.  
I checked out like five of them.  

It was wonderful, dare I say life changing...

My favorite book was this one:  
I literally baked my way through this book!

Now, I'm no stranger to bread baking. You can see in some of the previous posts on this blog that I did quite a bit of it.  But this book helped me take my skills to the next level!

And I shall refer to December 2023 as the month of "Fatty Christmas" because I baked so many versions of bread...


Cinnamon & Sugar,

English muffins,

An insane amount of pizza,
and the list goes on.

And while this little side track may seem frivolous to some, I have gained so much confidence in this new skill.  Mass produced bread products are just that, mass produced.  One reason homemade bread tastes so much better is that I know exactly what is going into it.  Not every loaf of bread is perfect, but every loaf of bread is edible...
and that makes bread baking the most delicious form of therapy for me while my garden is sleeping over the winter.

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