Thursday, June 21, 2007

Check out my melons!

How's that for an eye catching title?
My melon patch has finally starting producing! So far, we have 18 watermelons growing! I planted two varieties, Congo, which produces huge 35 pound melons, and Sugar Baby, which has the highest sugar content and produces 10 pound fruits which are the perfect size for the fridge.
Doug teases me that he's going to get me a sign and I can sell watermelon out of the back of the minivan on the side of the road! I can see it sitting in a lawn chair on the side of the road with the back door of the van propped up, kids playing by the roadside, and a sign that reads, "Homeschooling family needs to buy books - Please buy a watermelon!"
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Sugar Baby:
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I'm also growing cantaloupes! I planted a variety called "Amish" that is from a company called "Saving Our Seeds" or S.O.S for short! This variety is over a hundred years old and is a TRUE cantaloupe (not muskmelon, as the "cantaloupes" in the store are!) The flesh has a very dense, but lite texture and it is very sweet! No more store bought "cantaloupes" for us anymore!
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Cuts like buttah....
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