Saturday, June 30, 2007

More canning!

I've been busy in the kitchen! Last night I canned 10 pints of garlic kosher dill pickles slices. Take a peek:
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We hauled this in from the garden today:
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So I guess I'll be making a couple of gallons of spaghetti sauce to can as well!

I have to tell you, I really LOVE country life! If I could quit my nursing job tomorrow and spend my days educating the kids and tending my home and garden, I would absolutely be in heaven! Makes me wish I had discovered horticulture before I went off to school to get my nursing license!

Nothing new to report on the homefront. We'll be schooling the kids through the summer due to the time we lost during the move. We spend our mornings doing lessons and our afternoons at the pool. Kyle is so tan that he looks like a little blonde haired, blue eyed Hispanic child! Doug is slowly gaining business here in town. He's got a new website:

Well, I better get busy on those tomatoes!!!

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