Wednesday, September 12, 2007

My new hobby!

Well I've finally found something that my oldest and I have in common...we like digging through other people's crap!
Ryan and I have been hitting the garage sales here in town on my weekends off, and we've been having a great time! We get up early and hit the sales, take a break for a smoothie and coffee, and we're off again! We've had lots of good talks along the way, too!
We found all of this last weekend for only 19 bucks:

Here is a great little table I found. I plan on repainting it and putting it in the foyer. The little setee is for my vanity. I initially bought the two pictures for the frames, but it turns out that I really like the scenic picture in the one on the wall, so I'm keeping it as is. As for the other one, I'm going to prime over the print and let Kyle paint something else over it. I'll post it when he's finished!
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I found these two little porceline Mary statues and a very ornate gravy boat. I decided to turn the gravy boat into a planter and put them all on my kitchen windowsill. I just love my little "kitchen Madonnas!"
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A BEAUTIFUL cake platter...
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An incomplete set of china:
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A few chochkies for my bedroom shelves, a mirrored tray, and some more state plates for my kitchen walls:
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It's true....
one man's trash is another man's treasure!


  1. How fun! I love your cake platter.

  2. sigh, sniffles and tears... garage saling season is coming to an end. From one trash-digger to another... until next year.

    (Our finds this week included some wonderful books, a snow sled, a jacket for my oldest, new puppets, jeans for dh, denim skirt for me, a gorgeous, wooden USA puzzle, and some old 5 gallon ice cream buckets w/ lids we can use for storing lots of toys etc.)
