Monday, September 10, 2007

Our new homeschooling group!

When we lived in Houston, we were part of a very large and very active Catholic homeschooling group. Since moving away, we've really missed interaction with other h.s. families (me more so, than the kids!) I decided to go ahead and start up my own group here in town and put the word out to surrounding communities.
We had our first meeting on Sept. 7th! Four families showed up, and an additional two contacted me but were unable to come due to schedule conflicts. Now six families may not seem like a lot, but considering each family has 4+ kids, you're talking about a pretty good turn out!
The kids (and moms) had a great time and it was so good to be with other like minded families and share our philosophies on child rearing and the Faith!
The name of our group is Wharton Area Traditional Catholic Homeschoolers, or W.A.T.C.H for short.
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1 comment:

  1. that is great that you have other families to support you. Well done putting the group together.
