Tuesday, March 17, 2020

No Bread in the Stores? No Problem!

In case you’ve been living under a rock lately...
People have been losing their minds!

The Covid-19 virus has the general public bum-rushing the stores and clearing the shelves. Now, we live on the Texas Gulf Coast and are used to having a yearly stockpile for hurricane season.  We have a large pantry (and a large family) so stocking up is something we’ve always done. But it’s pretty disturbing when you go to the store for your normal weekly purchases of milk, bread, and toilet paper and the shelves are empty.

Trying not to panic myself, I walked over to the baking aisle.  I found full shelves of flour, baking powder, and yeast and I knew I could make my own bread for just pennies. 
Panic averted!

So I’m going to share with you two easy recipes for bread that anyone can make using just a few ingredients each. The first one is great for tacos, folded sandwiches, literally anything!

(makes 6)

2 cups of flour
1-1 1/4 cup of warm water
1 Tbs baking powder
1 tsp salt
1 Tbs oil, butter, or shortening

Mix dry ingredients and add almost all of the water.  Mix until you have the consistency of tacky pizza dough, adding the remaining water as needed.  Knead for 3-5 minutes. Let dough rest in greased and covered bowl for 30-60 minutes.
Divide into 6 pieces and roll out on a floured surface 
about tortilla thickness.
Heat a skillet with oil to med-high heat.
 Cook dough until you have golden brown spots on both sides.

The next bread is a recipe I have made no less than a thousand times!  I posted this easy no-knead bread waaay back in 2007. It takes a little more time to develop, but the payoff is a delicious crusty loaf that stores really well.

Click HERE to check out the post!

Making bread is easy and it’s such a comforting thing to make in crazy times as these. So while we’re all home practicing social distancing, try your hand at making bread if you’ve never done it before. Make a batch with your kids, take a loaf to your neighbor, or just eat half a loaf by yourself right out of the oven 
slathered in butter!

Stay safe, stay well, and let’s pray for each other!

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