Sunday, March 8, 2020

It’s Deja-vu All Over Again!

In 2-3 weeks I am going to have to re-live one of the most painful events of my life:

A Triple Arthrodesis Revision

I had a triple arthrodesis a year ago.
It was done grossly incorrectly.
Now I get to have it done all over again.

In layman’s terms, my *new* surgeon will remove 
the six screws in my foot,
break my foot in several places, fill in the breaks and screw holes with harvested bone grafts from my shin 
as he rebuilds my arch and ankle, 
then reinstall all the hardware to secure it all.

It’s a big deal, y’all!

And I’m seriously getting PTSD because I know what’s coming. 

So being the little control freak that I am, 
I've turned my anxiety into productivity. 

At least that’s what I’m telling myself!

My nest is ready!
My cozy recliner, quilts, side table with a comfort basket, elevation pillow, and heating pad. Because it’s not only your foot that hurts during this recovery, your whole body hurts when compensating for your non weight bearing leg. 

The freezer is full of meals that the kids can dump in the crockpot.
It’s so nice to not have to worry about feeding the family, especially when you can’t even drive to the store!  Plus, there’s something very comforting about the smell of food simmering all day long. 

I’m revisiting my mobility aides and there are some things that I’m definitely going to do differently this time. 

I’ll plant my garden next week.
I’ve got my Netflix binge list ready.
Books are downloaded on the iPad.
And I’m deep cleaning the house room by room. 
I did all of these things last time in preparation for my surgery, and while they really don't mean a lot in the whole scope things,
mentally they helped me cope.

So it's deja-vu all over again!
But it's going to be ok this time, y’all....

It’s just got to be. 

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