Thursday, January 7, 2021

The Winter Garden

Here in south Texas, we have two growing seasons...

Hot and Not So Hot!
And in those "Not So Hot" months, 
there is still an abundance that comes from the garden!

Lettuces are lovely this time of year.  Can you believe I grew black lettuce?  I do love the strange and unusual in the garden...and this one takes the cake!

We also had our last carrot harvest of the year.  I haven't really grown carrots before now, but they are sure to be a staple in the winter garden from now on.

The turnips are always in abundance in the garden.  
If you haven't tried the Pioneer Woman's Turnip Gratin recipe, then what are you doing with your life?

And onions!  January is prime time to plant onion sets for harvest in early summer.  I have visions of dozens of onion braids hanging from my pantry and kitchen walls!

And as the days go from "Not So Hot" to "Hot," 
it's time to start prepping and planning for the season to come.  
What a wonderful way to spend the first part of the new year!

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