Monday, February 1, 2021

January Birthdays

Everyone in the family has a "Birthday Buddy."
We are only separated by a day or two in celebrating our birthdays,
my buddy is Danny.

He hit the milestone year of 16!
That's a BIG one.
We surprised him with an awesome gift this year, 
just perfect for a 16 year old, right?

I also made another trip around the sun...thankfully!
I celebrated year number 52.
We had a wild afternoon of going out to lunch, picking up lumber,
 and getting some wood chips dumped in the yard.
Just perfect for a 52 year old lady, right?

But that evening we had a family dinner where Kyle cooked chicken fried steak and loaded mashed potatoes...

Happy birthday to ME, right?

And my greatest gift this day was celebrating life, happiness, and health while being surrounded by 
the people I love most in this world.
Best day ever!
Now where's the cake and ice cream?!?!?

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